The techniques that I learned in yoga, soothed my mind and helped me relax and move on to my next task – supporting me with all my classes.
Jibril, 12 years old
Yoga Student, University Liggett Middle School
Jibril is just one of the many middle school yoga enthusiasts at University Liggett School, a progressive private school for children, from pre-k through high school. Located in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, the school boasts a rich legacy, dating back to 1878.
On the road to adulthood, children pass many significant milestones, and middle school can be particularly bumpy. With new academic expectations and strange new social interactions comes an unusual amount of stress and anxiety. School administrators are often tasked to find ways to channel that energy constructively. In the fall of 2010, University Liggett School hired Belightful Yoga/Lisa Ballo as a Yoga Education instructor, to facilitate a yoga program that would be part of the year-long curriculum for all 6th and 7th students.
Belightful Yoga’s methodology complemented the school’s mission of ‘guiding children on a journey of self-discovery in a safe and supportive environment.’ Belightful focused on Intentions and Alignment, not just within the students’ yoga practice with poses, but throughout their daily lives, and in every aspect of their life.
In regards to Lisa’s approach to incorporating Yoga into our school’s curriculum, a couple of key elements come to mind about why she is successful. First is her understanding that her program is one piece of our school’s greater whole. Lisa actively sought information about our school’s mission and overall program and was mindful of these when creating the curriculum.
And second, is Lisa’s thorough knowledge of her subject and ability to apply it to the variety of situations that arise with students as they face these middle school years.
Ms. Motoko L. Maegawa
Assistant Head of School, 2010-2011, University of Liggett School
Belightful Yoga instruction tackled student’s personal growth and academic achievement; giving them a rare opportunity to reflect on their lives and their role in it. For example, the students reflected on their intentions throughout the school year. Now, if their intention was to eat healthy, and they ate an ice cream cone for dinner every day, Lisa’s question might be: “are you in alignment with your intentions?”
It is the school’s expectation and finding that through Belightful Yoga, students are empowered to maintain concentration, to handle stressors, and to build their sense of self.
Through her course, students to understand that Yoga is about them learning to be the best students they can be. Both Lisa’s instruction and the support that the entire faculty give the program at Liggett, students understand that quality yoga breath and yoga movement help them maintain healthy balance all students need to achieve.
Ms. Motoko L. Maegawa
Assistant Head of School, 2010-2011 University of Liggett School
Belightful Yoga offered University Liggett School a combination of precise yoga instruction, with genuine care and concern. Instructor Lisa Ballo cared about the students achieving their goals in academics and social relations and supported their success through yoga.
The partnership between University Liggett School and Belightful Yoga was a mutually beneficial experience.
I appreciate the balance of professionalism and personal touch she models as a teacher. I am pleased that our students have the opportunity to learn from a local leader in the field about how to bring more balance to their lives. Her contributions to our middle school curriculum have far-reaching positive effects.
Ms. Motoko L. Maegawa
Assistant Head of School, 2010-2011 University of Liggett School