If you’re someone who prides yourself on making quick and decisive choices, you may ruffle at the idea of slowing down before making decisions.
We get it. After all, the ability to zero in on the ‘best’ choice and just dive in has long been venerated. Especially in the business world.
But some research is turning that notion on its head. What they’ve discovered – and what Eastern practices like yoga and meditation have known for a long time – is the tremendous value in quieting the mind and listening to the heart to fully consider your options.
Approaching Decisions Slowly and Mindfully
Okay. That might sound like New Age speak. But consider for a moment when you’re driving and you reach a turn in the road. You slow down to keep rubber on the road and continue to progress. Going quickly, on the other hand, presents the risk of scraping the wall or guard rail, or stopping altogether.
Thus, the faster way forward is to slow down. And it’s a metaphor with broader applications.
You know this in your heart. When you’re able to slow down, pause, and mindfully tune into your heart, you’ll find it has a clear answer for you. No matter what the conundrum. And the response won’t be rooted in a sense of lack, fear, or insufficiency.
But you have to first scale back, slow down, and quiet the mind to hear the subtle messages from the heart. Otherwise, the ego’s much louder voice will always prevail.
Tips for Slowing Down to Make Better Decisions
Next time you’re faced with a decision, resist the urge to answer right away. Pull back and notice whether your decision is based on what others might think is right or wrong. How does that detract from your ability to make a more intentional and/or efficient decision?
If you’re not getting a solid or intuitive read on the ‘right’ choice, then try to get comfortable with saying, “I don’t know.” There’s nothing wrong with starting there. This allows you to press the pause button.
From that point, you can ask important questions. How can you make an informed decision without information? So ask away. In addition, you may want to ask for alternatives. Decisions are rarely a clear-cut ‘this’ or ‘that’ scenario. If both options feel wrong to you, then don’t settle for picking the lesser of two evils.
Speaking of something feeling wrong, listen to the wisdom of your gut. This doesn’t mean you should make all your decisions from that place. But there’s much to be said for intuition.
Finally, ask for input from others. Yes, once again, this takes more time. But getting another’s viewpoint can, in the long run, enable you to arrive at the best decision more quickly.
Resist Making Decisions Dictated by Fear
Then there’s the fear that by acting according to your heart means you’ll upset some people. Once again, we get it. And the truth is, that may happen. Chances are, though, that the consequences won’t be nearly as dire as you’re thinking. And any loss that you do sustain just means you’ve regained something for yourself.
Working from the fundamental basis of mindfulness enables you to dip down below the surface. It frees you from the fears, thoughts, projections, and perceptions that beg for your attention when you have to decide something. It gives you a still and quiet center from which to work so you can be more attuned to what your heart is trying to tell you.
Because at the end of the day, you can always rely on your heart to tell you what you need. Once you begin experimenting with the above steps to find more mindfulness and heart-directed actions, you’ll be amazed by the outcomes of your decisions. That’s because you’ll be working from alignment with your truest self and purpose.
What Kind of Decision-Maker Are You?
Instituting the practice of slowing down before making decisions will lead you to clearer and less conflicted choices. What’s more, you’ll be letting go of the guilt and need to explain yourself when you make decisions that you know, in your heart, are not right for you.
If you’re reading to explore the freedom that comes with making clearer decisions, contact us today.
Our on-site or mobile yoga, mindfulness, and life coaching services can assist you in ways to slow down, quiet your mind, and listen to your heart to align with your true desires.