If you’ve never read The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, this may not be the time to start. It’s pretty heavy. But it does constitute the foundations of … [Read more...]
Are You Stealing Without Knowing It?
In our most recent blogpost, we looked at the concept of non-attachment and the reasons to practice it. We also addressed how non-attachment is one … [Read more...]
Why Practicing Non-Attachment Is Important
There’s a popular saying - what we try to possess, possesses us. And it certainly rings true. This is what makes practicing non-attachment … [Read more...]
What Is Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention?
One of the reasons yoga and meditation have become so popular is their ability to teach mindfulness. Mindfulness means simply being aware of … [Read more...]
Unleash Your Creativity Through the Sacral Chakra
In our previous blog post, we discussed the chakra system. You can take a gander at that by clicking here. We then elaborated on the first chakra - … [Read more...]
Muladhara Chakra – the Root Chakra
If you’ve tapped into any sort of yoga or meditation, you may have heard mention of the chakra system in the body. Of particular interest is the … [Read more...]
What Is Alternate Nostril Breathing?
If you’ve ever taken a yoga or meditation class, the instructor may have had you engage in pranayama, or breathing exercises. And you may have … [Read more...]
What Is Life Coaching?
Do you feel stuck? Does it seem as though your life is out of balance or alignment? You are FAR from alone. Life can be challenging and it’s … [Read more...]
Why Self-Regulation Is Crucial for Those with Special Needs
Obviously, the ability to self-regulate is important for everyone. It’s a necessary skill to thrive in the parameters set by society. However, … [Read more...]
Can We Learn Compassion?
How compassionate are you? Do you tend to treat others as you’d like to be treated? Or do you instead have a difficult time feeling empathy toward … [Read more...]