On the journey to better yourself, you may feel inclined to focus on improving your weaknesses rather than ways to discover your strengths. This is not unusual. And yes, being aware of areas where you can improve is certainly a worthwhile goal.
But when you’re able to evaluate the areas where you truly excel, you’ll quickly gain a clearer understanding of yourself. This will allow you to create a realistic plan to become the best version of yourself – strengths AND weaknesses.
So where do you begin?
Ways to Discover Your Strengths
Many of us have trouble identifying our strengths. Sometimes it requires forces outside ourselves to discover where we truly excel. Other times, it’s an inside job.
Whatever the case, we have eight actions you can take that can give you insight into areas where you shine.
1. Set a Challenging Goal You Can Reach
Sometimes one of the best ways to discover your strengths is to first identify your weaknesses. Many of us set resolutions at the beginning of each year, only to falter one or two months in. This is usually because the goal is too challenging and we’re discouraged by failure.
While failure is a great way to learn, repeated failure can be exhausting. So set a challenging goal for yourself that you know you can achieve. As you move toward achieving the goal, you’ll learn where you need improvement as well as start to see where you thrive.
2. Practice Self-Awareness

“Cultivate self-awareness” may sound like a buzz phrase, but it’s key in discovering your strengths. Taking time each day to check in with your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors allows for reflection.
You can do this through regular meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices. Achieving self-awareness enables you to understand why you make certain decisions or act in specific ways that propel you forward.
3. Take Some Assessment Tests
Hop on the internet and look up “personality tests” or “aptitude tests.” Among the most common and eye-opening tests you’ll encounter are the Big Five Personality Traits Test and the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test.
Taking one or more of these tests will shed light on your unique strengths and qualities.
4. See Others As Teachers
If you’re trying to attain a specific goal, take a look at those who’ve achieved it. What approaches did they take? Which of those approaches is most appealing to you? Is there another approach you could take that would be just as effective?
What you find might surprise you.
5. Get Input From Those You Know

Our families, friends, and colleagues can make for wonderful mirrors. So if you’re looking for a true reflection of yourself, ask them for their honest opinion about you.
Not only will they help you see where your strengths lie, but they’ll also point out areas that could still use improvement. (Remember, seeing our weaknesses contributes to recognizing our strengths.)
6. Recognize Patterns
Once you’ve probed the depths of what makes you YOU, you will start to recognize certain traits that come up more frequently than others as your strengths. Highlight these and ask yourself if you agree. Some will likely be obvious. Yet you may also butt up against some of them because you don’t yet recognize them as strengths. Take a serious look at those.
7. Accept Constructive Criticism
This one is a key component to building the self-awareness we discussed in step #2.
Sure, most of us don’t want to be on the receiving end of criticism. It can be difficult to hear about the areas where we need improving. Yet being able to accept and incorporate constructive criticism is crucial in cultivating self-awareness.
When you seek out this sort of feedback, be sure to take time to consider what’s being said before responding. While figuring out next steps, you may just stumble upon a strength or two you didn’t even know you possessed.
8. Acknowledge Your Progress
In a recent blog post, we looked at the importance of acknowledging progress to stay motivated and on track. So consider keeping a journal or other physical document where you can do this.
In tracking your progress, be sure to note not just the weaknesses you overcame, but the approaches you took in your successes. Writing these out and reflecting upon them can help you more clearly see where a particular strength lies.
Ready to Embark On Your Journey?

You’ll move through life with more confidence, gusto, and verve when you discover your strengths. But as we stated, it’s not always easy.
If you’d love some extra support on your journey, then contact us today.
Our mobile yoga, mindfulness practices, and life coaching services make it convenient for you to get the helping hand(s) you need. We’re here for you.