Okay. Right out of the gate, you may be thinking that the notion that our thoughts create reality is ludicrous.
Does it sound like a lot of New Age fluff?
Well, that may be how it sounds. But the notion is complicated. And there’s evidence that points to plenty of truth in it. Let’s break it apart a bit.
What Does That Mean – Thoughts Create Reality?
First, this isn’t about wishing or praying for something and then having it happen. It’s far more complex than that.
And if you’re in a state of suffering, you may be additionally confounded by the idea that our thoughts create reality. You may think this implies that you’ve brought on your reality and struggle with a sense of victim blaming here. After all, nobody asks for negative things to happen to them, right?
No. The idea behind our thoughts creating or manifesting reality is much more subtle than that. And it all starts with quantum physics.
The Science Behind It
Quantum physicists will tell you that our thoughts are the source of reality. Everything we experience is a product of thought energy. Furthermore, we’re all connected through the collective consciousness. This is nothing more than an energy field that responds to emotions and thoughts by creating reality.

According to this line of thought, if four people simultaneously come up with a new idea, it’s more likely to materialize in each of their subjective realities. From there, each person’s mind creates its own unique dimension wherein it experiences different forms of energy and matter.
They believe that if someone thinks of a certain idea, the collective consciousness will give rise to something similar in another person’s life down the line. This is the very force behind innovative technology. But it’s also a catalyst for more destructive trends such as mass hysteria or violence.
Confused yet? Let’s simplify.
What Psychology Says
Thoughts aren’t just abstract concepts. They do have a physical basis in the firing of the brain’s neurons. Where these synaptic connections are made is the foundation for the brain’s physical reality.
Okay, maybe we’re just confusing you even further.
Let us explain it this way. Say you’ve been thinking about impressing your boss with your latest project at work. This is where your focus is going to be. You meditate on your objective and envision a positive outcome. But your thoughts alone won’t manifest your reality. You must also take action. If you’re able to analyze what needs to be done and commit to the vision, you’ll feel more positive about and propelled toward making that vision a reality.
So it really is more complicated than just visualizing what you want and then sitting back and waiting for it to come to you. It’s not like rubbing a magic lamp.

And it works in the opposite direction too. If you’re perpetually negative or unable to visualize a positive outcome to a situation, you’re unwittingly inviting and attracting negative energy. Thus, the manifested reality, in this case, is much less desirable. For example, if you haven’t gotten over your ex-partner, wallowing in sadness won’t help you move on.
So it seems hard to deny that our emotions, thoughts, and ideas can create and change our reality – for better or for worse.
The Law of Attraction
You might be more familiar with the notion of our thoughts creating reality as the law of attraction. This law simply states that the energy of your thoughts manifests your experiences. Thus, negative thoughts create a negative outcome and positive thoughts manifest a positive outcome.
There are some universal principles that make up this “law.”
1. Like Attracts Like
Have you ever noticed that when you’re feeling snarky and unmotivated, you seek out others who are in the same boat? By the same token, when things are going well, you don’t want to hang out with Debbie Downer.
The like attracts like principle suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. Thus, negative thinking attracts negative experiences while positive thinking draws more enjoyable experiences.
2. Nature Despises a Vacuum
If you have a regular meditation or other mindfulness practice, you know that it’s impossible to completely empty your mind for any amount of time. It will be immediately filled. Given that fact, this principle states the importance of filling that space with positivity.
3. The Present Is Always Perfect
If you tend to eschew the present moment because the past seems brighter or the future more promising, this principle asks you to reframe. There are always actions you can take to improve the present moment. Focus, instead, on finding ways to embrace and improve the present moment.
How Can You Be More Effective In Your Thinking?

It’s all too easy to get pulled into the spiral of negativity that manifests a dark reality. Especially these days.
Knowing that your thoughts create reality, you can start focusing on being grateful, looking for the positive in a situation, and visualizing your goals. If you need help with this, contact us today to learn about our mindfulness training and life coaching services.
We’ll give you the tools to help you identify negative thinking and teach you how to reframe those thoughts into something more positive.