By now, we’re all very tired of the altered reality we’ve lived for the past year or so. But does that give us license to start behaving poorly?
It sure can seem like it!
But when you act from pessimism and impatience, it’s not only detrimental to the people around you, but to yourself. And the world will seem all the unhappier.
So how do you go about practicing patience during tough times? Let’s explore.
1. Remember, Nothing is Permanent
You’ve likely heard the saying, all good things must come to an end. We are quick to forget though that this saying applies to bad things as well. Because absolutely nothing lasts forever.
It is for this reason that practicing non-attachment is a powerful aspect of the yoga practice. And in Buddhism, attachment is the origin of suffering.
During tough times, it’s easy to feel they are never going to end. You may consign yourself to the (false) fact that you “this is just how things are now.” As you project the days, weeks, months or even years that lie ahead as nothing more than doom and gloom, you lose your patience and any sense of hope.
So try focusing on just getting through today. Try not to think about the future you don’t actually know. Stay in the moment. And when you find your patience being tested, take some deep breaths and recall – over and over again – that nothing is permanent and you have the strength to keep going.
2. Accept That There Are No Guarantees
If you’re someone who’s only able to relax when everything is under control, you may not realize that nothing is ever truly under control. Or perhaps it’s more that you don’t want to accept this fact.
Not to harsh your buzz, but that’s just the reality.
And once you’re able to embrace this, you’ll find you won’t have to work so hard at keeping everything under control. You’ll be able to let go and be patient with the unfolding of life – on its terms.
Relax. It’s out of your hands.
3. Consider What You’ve Already Overcome
When you’re in a state of utter annoyance and impatience, it’s easy to forget about all the times before this that you were in this same state and were able to move beyond it.
If you can think about every other time you successfully overcame a tough situation, it will serve as a reminder of your ability to face obstacles and come out on the other side. It will help you to shift your attitude of misery and impatience to resiliency and hope.
You’ll feel more confident, less helpless, and able to more patiently move through your day.
4. Recognize That You’re Not Alone
How many times during this past year did you catch yourself saying, “Why me!?” Did you often find yourself believing you were the only person facing hardship?
This is by no means an indictment or criticism. It’s safe to say that most if not all of us experienced this sentiment during this tough time. And while there are certainly those who have had an easier go of it, there are more than likely others who didn’t.
Of course, this isn’t to say that you’re looking to feel joy in the fact that others are as miserable as you are. But it can help you to access more patience and fortitude when you know you’re not going at it alone. There is strength in solidarity. On the other hand, if you insist that you’re the only one fighting the war, you’re going to feel the universe is potting against you and experience record levels of frustration and impatience.
5. Learn From Practicing Patience During Tough Times
Finally, be kind to yourself while you continue this practice. It’s not easy.
If you blow up out of impatience and feel that you’ve failed, this will only make the situation worse. Think of such experiences not as failures, but as valuable feedback. It’s not an indicator that you’re on an unhealthy path. Rather, embrace it as a learning experience that’s pointing you to a healthier path.
When things aren’t going your way and you grow impatient, slow down and take a few breaths. Try to make sense of what is happening and learn from the experience.
There are always going to be situations over which you have zero control such as natural disasters, disease, accidents, and the actions of others. Just remember though, you do have control over how you respond to these situations. Responding to misfortune by wallowing in self-pity and victimization is only going to make life even more difficult.
The more you’re able to develop gratitude and resilience, stay vigilant, and trust in your abilities to weather any storm, the more grounded and patient you will feel as we continue to navigate these trying times.
The Importance of Practicing Patience During Tough Times
Practicing patience during tough times is hard work! But it’s so worth it to find a calmer, patient, and more resilient you.
As the flow of life continues to draw us out of the dark days of the pandemic and toward the promise of brighter days, we want to be there with you.
Contact us today to find out how we can bring yoga, meditation, mindfulness practices, and life coaching to your organization, company, or school. Let’s see what unfolds together.