Are you so crazy busy that the idea of prioritizing feels like just ANOTHER thing to do? Does achieving any sort of passion in your life feel … [Read more...]
The Surprising Interplay of Grief and Change
Grief and change have a complicated relationship. To say the least. But isn’t change good, as they say? Well, any change, even those that are … [Read more...]
How Yoga and Meditation Are Alike
Most instructors who share the yoga practice are asked at one point how yoga and meditation are alike. It’s a complex question. Because meditation … [Read more...]
Is Having a Routine Important?
If you’re making it through every busy day without having a routine of some sort, then kudos to you. That’s quite a feat these days. With most of … [Read more...]
The Magic of Visualization
Oprah Winfrey once said, “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” This is the magic of … [Read more...]
Love Yourself to Love Others? Not Quite
Conventional wisdom dictates that you have to love yourself to love others. But the truth is, it’s just not that simple. Nothing in life is. Sure. … [Read more...]
The Magic of Setting a Daily Intention
If you haven’t made a new year’s resolution yet (or even if you have), you may want to consider setting a daily intention instead. Yeah, it might … [Read more...]
Give Yourself Permission to Shine!
How often do you really embrace and allow yourself to be YOU? Are you instead waiting for someone to give you permission to shine? You don’t need … [Read more...]
Finding Physical and Spiritual Alignment
Are you wondering what we mean by physical and spiritual alignment? If you think about it for a second, it’s hard to argue the importance of … [Read more...]
The Power of Accountability
Each of us has a unique life story; a series of events, situations, and lessons that brought us to this point. As such, some of us have discovered the … [Read more...]