Do you feel stuck? Does it seem as though your life is out of balance or alignment?
You are FAR from alone.
Life can be challenging and it’s often difficult to rise to the occasion. Especially if you have to go it alone. That’s what makes the support of a life coach so valuable.
A life coach can help you to overcome resistance and empower you to take risks. But how does it work? And what is life coaching, exactly?

How Life Coaching Works
Right out of the gate, it’s important to establish that life coaching is NOT therapy. Although it’s certainly therapeutic.
Most people seek out a life coach because their life has a hiccup. Some tangible part of their journey has wavered off course.
Thus, a life coach doesn’t work with you to deal with your family issues or help you mend your marriage. Rather, your life coach focuses on the future and ways you can forge ahead with confidence.
Your coach has questions. And a skilled life coach has been trained to ask the right questions to enable you to see that you don’t merely have answers. You have THE answers. Somewhere deep down, you know precisely what’s caused the hiccup in your life.
Some life coaches even include yoga-based practices into sessions. Engaging in activities such as gentle movement, breathing, meditation, and intentional dialogue serves to quiet the mind. This is a necessary tool to access intuition and inner knowing.
What a Life Coach Does NOT Do
A life coach who has been properly trained will never tell you how to live your life.
And a good life coach does not set out to fix you because they do not view you as broken. They will see you as an equal and be there to support you on every step of your journey.
Lisa Ballo, owner and founder of Belightful in Southeast Michigan, understands this implicitly. As a yoga therapist and life coach, she is constantly reminded of how each person’s needs and desires are wholly unique.
As such, she recognizes the importance of individual one-on-one support and the value of a person-centered approach – as reflected in this testimonial:
Life coaching with Lisa was just what I needed to bring balance back into my life. By the end of the four weeks, I had regained my self-confidence. Lisa was kind and objective. The grow work was doable and gave me something to focus on in between sessions. It was exciting to share my success. The movement and mindfulness activities were my favorite part and helped to anchor new insights into my entire body. This component is key to the coaching and what sets the Belightful coaching team apart from other life coaching.
Cathie Riebel
Lisa offers her experience and wisdom in guiding individuals toward their best lives. But she doesn’t tell them HOW to live their lives.
What Can Life Coaching Do?
Successful life coaching sessions commonly creates these desired outcomes:
- Breakthrough resistance
- Align with purpose and possibility
- Gain clarity and confidence to take action
- Increase productivity and efficiency
- Live with peace, fulfillment and joy
Of course, the success of life coaching sessions is also dependent on the participant and how open and actively he or she chooses to be. But when both the coach and the participant are willing to give it their all, life coaching sessions are an impactful solution for an individual’s whole well-being.
In a Nutshell – What Is Life Coaching?
To put it simply, your life coach is your support system. He or she asks the important questions that encourage you to understand that you know what needs to be done. And then the two of you formulate a plan and set some goals.
“Your coach is the person to whom you’re accountable when you don’t quite meet those goals and who will help you get back on track in an encouraging and supportive way,” says Steph Ruopp, life coach and part of the Belightful coaching team. “He or she is also the person with whom you celebrate your successes. And there will be many.”
We Could All Use Some Life Coaching
We hope you have a clearer answer to the question, what is life coaching?
While it won’t help you with your childhood issues, family dysfunctions, or give you clearcut solutions to the huge issues in your life, it’s straightforward, uncomplicated, and effective in restoring confidence and getting you back on the right path.
Think you could benefit from life coaching? (Hint: The answer is yes.) Our coaching sessions are done in the comfort of your home, via online remote sessions. So contact us today.
And start living the life you’ve dreamed of.